Thursday, May 22, 2014

And the Winners Are...

  We are delighted to announce that Tammy J., Claire N., Sarah S., Renne F.,  Annette B., Julia F., and Salinn R. are the winners of our  Kid Guess Contest #2!!  They all correctly guessed that Clover would have twin does!!  Congratulations to all of you.  And a big thank you to everyone who participated in the Contest.  It was a lot of fun!!!!
Very soon after they were born.
   Clover delivered her kids out in the sunny, warm pasture, yesterday afternoon.  The whole delivery went very fast.  She was a good mama, and cleaned them up very well.  Now she is getting used to the routine of milking etc...
  Both baby does, are doing very well and were quite active from the beginning.  They have some very pretty, but different markings!

Finally standing!  That took a lot of work:)

Enjoying the warm colostrum

More pictures will be put on soon!


Friday, May 9, 2014

Kid Guess Contest #2

It is time for the second kidding this year!  

  Have you ever enjoyed a baby goat? If not, you don’t know how cute they are!  Only two weeks away now, Clover will have her kid(s). It is so much fun anticipating the birth of the kids and watching for all the different little signs that help me to know when they will be born. I enjoy watching her and wondering how many kids she will have and if they are bucks or does?  Though I have witnessed many goat deliveries, the whole miracle of birth never ceases to amaze me! The display of God’s incredible creation is truly shown forth at every birth!

  Even if you're not a farmer and don't have goats, you can still participate in this exciting time of year! Would you like to join in on the fun of the spring kidding season--and have the opportunity to win a FREE bar of goat milk soap? Why not?  Here's how:

  Garland Goat Soap KID GUESS CONTEST
  "Clover" is our goat that is due to kid this month.  (For those of you who are unfamiliar with goats, it is quite common for them to have a single kid, twins, or triplets.  Sometimes they even have quadruplets!)

 We want you to take a guess:

1.)  How many kid(s) will Clover have?
 2.)  How many buck(s) (male goat) and/or doe(s) will Clover have?

So put on your thinking cap, join the fun, and let us know what your guess is by:

1.) leaving a comment here on the blog (please include your email address), or
2.) email it to  with "Kid Guess" in the subject line.

If you guess correctly or come the closest, you will win one free bar of our goat milk soap! If we have more than one correct guess we will send out more than one free bar.
This year I thought I would make it a little more exciting by using a new design exclusively for the kid guess.

When Clover kids (has her babies), we will let you know the winner(s) of our Kid Guess Contest.  Who knows, maybe you will be the one to enjoy a free bar of our goat milk soap! I will also add a picture of the soap that we are giving away!

I will also be posting pictures of the kid(s) sometime after they are born.
